Kick start your morning!


We’ve all been there…the alarm sounds early the morning and we keep going back to snooze until the sudden realisation strikes that we need to get up or be late! Below we’ve shared a few tips that may make getting out of bed in the morning a little easier…

Run around Alarm Clocks

These little contraptions bursts into life as soon as the alarm goes and start running around your room. Of course, you’ll need to get out of bed to catch it to turn the alarm off, by which time you may as well just get up.

Or you could always put your alarm on the other side of the room so you’re forced to get out of bed!

Mmmmm coffee!

Invest in a coffee machine with a timer, place it where the aroma will spread to you and set it to start 10 minutes before your alarm. The aroma should gently wake you up and you will have a nice beverage to start the day!

Put the heating on…

It’s even more of a struggle to get up in the morning when your bed is nice and toasty and your room is cold! Set the heating to come on around 30 minutes before you get up. It will make it a lot easier to roll out of bed! Or invest in a thick dressing gown & slippers, sorted.

Turn off those screens!

It’s not always the lack of sleep that causes us to struggle to get up in the morning; it’s the quality. We know it’s tempting to work into the early hours of the morning to get something finished, but doing so will make it harder for your brain to shut down when you want some shut eye! Instead try switching off all devices at least an hour before bed and wind down with a nice book.

If all else fails…well…we aren’t quite sure!

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