How to boost your confidence

Boost your confidence

It goes without saying really, most of us would like to be more confident, to have that feeling that we can do anything we want without the fear of falling short or failing. You may feel that you’re just naturally shy or not confident, we say nonsense! If you want to be confident, you can be confident!

We’ve compiled a few ‘tricks of the trade’ to help you build your confidence, even if you just try one or two you should notice a difference!

If you look good, you’ll feel good…

If you look good, and you are aware that you look good you immediately feel a lot better prepared to take on the world. Don’t just reserve this for nights out, try it everyday!

Walk with purpose

Inject a little pace into your walk, act like you know where you’re going…even when you don’t!

Posture posture posture!

If you are slouched over, looking down at the floor you aren’t going to appear confident! Head up, shoulders back and embrace the world!


Working out not only feels great and brings a sense of achievement but it also helps keep your body in shape! A win win from all accounts!

Laugh at your mistakes

We all make mistakes, after all we are all imperfect! However If you can laugh when you fall rather than feel deflated or upset. You’re already starting to conquer those inner thoughts that are knocking away at your confidence.

Victory lies in preparation

It goes with out saying really, it pays to be prepared, whether in your personal or business life! Obviously some things you can’t prepare for, but if your on top of everything else then there’s a whole lot less to worry about!


It sounds a little silly but it really does make you feel good! It’s super easy to do even though half of us have our commuter face on. Play a game, see how many people you can make smile, it’s contagious!

Work on it…

Life can appear to be an insurmountable peak of such impossibility that you give up before you’ve even started, but really it’s just lots of little steps to climb. Master all the little things in your life, then you can start building up to the bigger things; the higher you climb, the greater your confidence will grow.


It’s all about perception, how is someone going to know if you’re pretending to be confident? Just ask yourself what would a confident person do at this very moment, your mind may been screaming at you telling no, but just go with it, you’ll thank yourself later.

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