Rather than buying some Kingsmill or Hovis bread that’s been sitting on the shelf for goodness knows how long why not try and make your own bread with our simple bread recipe? It’s easy than you think!
- 550g strong white flour
- 7g sachet fast-action dried yeast
- 2 tsp salt
- up to 350ml lukewarm water
- 2 tbsp olive oil (and a little extra for greasing)
- 1 egg
- First things first lets make the dough! Tip the flour, yeast and salt into a large bowl and give it a good stir. Pour in most of the water and the olive oil. Use your hand to mix the contents together until combined to a slightly wet dough – adding more flour or water if needed. (Using only one hand to work the dough allows you to have another clean hand to add more water, flower etc.) Tip the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead for around 15 minutes until the dough is nice and smooth and elastic. Place the dough in a clean oiled bowl, cover with cling film and leave to rise somewhere warm until doubled in size (usually around an hour.)
- Heat your oven to 180C/fan 200C/gas 7. Knock back the dough by tipping it back onto a floured surface and pushing the air out (basically punch the life out of it, literally). Mould the dough into a rugby ball shape. Cover with a clean tea towel and leave to prove for 1 hour. Beat the egg and brush the mixture all over the dough. Dust the top of the loaf with a little more flour and slash the top with a sharp knife if you want. Bake the bread for around 40 – 45 minutes. The loaf should sound hollow when you turn it over and tap it on the base. Leave the bread to cool completely.
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