When you head off to university, you need to make sure that you are prepared. You’ll need everything from your bookbag to items for your room in student halls – and you might want to take the opportunity to revamp your wardrobe!
Buying your new uni wardrobe can be tricky, especially if you don’t know what other people will be wearing when you get there. Here, we give you some tips and tricks to help you get started…
Think practical
One of the first things that you need to think about when you are creating your ultimate uni wardrobe is the practicality. Think about the kind of tasks that you will be performing in your course and try to buy clothes that will be practical. For example, if you are an art student then you obviously won’t want to spend extra money on designer brands that might be damaged while you work. Those on a vocational course like nursing might have to wear a uniform so you may not need to shell out on as many day-wear outfits.
Comfort, comfort, comfort
If you’re going to be spending a lot of time going to campus and sitting in lecture theatres and tutorials, you’ll need to make sure that you are choosing pieces that are both comfortable and stylish. Think about jumpers and jeans and comfortable shoes that you can walk a fair way in without any issues – high heels could be problematic if you’re on your feet all day going to and from lectures.
Statement pieces
When you get your student loan, you need to resist the temptation to go out and blow it all on the latest trends! If you have a fondness for going designer, we suggest that you opt for some statement pieces to keep the costs down. While most student budgets won’t stretch to paying boutique prices for Givenchy sneakers, it’s well worth checking discount sites like TK Maxx‘s ‘Gold Label’ range, where you will find designer statement pieces to complement your high-street staples at heavily reduced prices.
Be on trend
One final tip for those who want to create the ultimate uni wardrobe is to keep an eye on the latest trends. You’ll need to make sure that you have the right pieces for the different seasons, especially if you’re going to uni in the UK rather than heading off to study in sunnier climes. Think about the warmer clothing that you’ll need in the winter and the key pieces that you’ll need in the spring and spread your budget accordingly.
Bear these tips in mind when choosing your new uni wardrobe items and hopefully you’ll stand out, look great and feel comfortable during all of those long lectures.
Image: Cathy Yeulet/123rf.com