Huge discounts on hotels using Priceline

Yes, you can really blag a posh hotel on the cheap!

Huge discounts on hotels

Huge discounts on hotels

Recently we’ve stayed in two 4* hotels in London for £50 at the Marriott Maida Vale & £70 at the Marriott Regents Park, both rooms would of cost £199 per night if booking through the Hotel!

How does it work?

1) Visit Priceline and select where, when and how many rooms you require.

Choose where and when you want to stay

Choose where and when you want to stay

2) Once you have done that click ‘START SAVING.’ Here you can choose which zone in your desired location you would like to stay in, the star rating and the price you are willing to pay! (Use this helpful hotel guide to see what hotels you might be staying at!)

Select location, star level and bid!

Select location, star level and bid!

Once you’ve entered your price, Priceline will check if any hotels in the zones you have selected will accept your bid. If they don’t, you don’t pay anything. (You pay extra for taxes but these are displayed before confirming your bid!)

Check details and taxes before confirming your bid!

Check details and taxes before confirming your bid!

If the bid wins, the room is yours at the price (including taxes) that you bided. If not, you’re supposed to wait a day to put in another bid (but see the loophole below for how to get round this).

Please remember once you have placed a bid you are committed! If the hotel accepts your bid you can’t go back!

It works because hotels don’t want empty rooms! So using priceline they can offer cheaper rates on their unsold rooms without publicising it, so most people aren’t aware that a discount is possible. Plus as you can’t get a refund they guarantee a sale!

Remember, this is a gamble as you wont know what hotel you are getting until one accepts your offer. However by using the hotel guide you can check out some of the hotels you maybe staying at according to your chosen star rating and location.

Personally I’ve not gone below bidding for a 4* hotel and have always had lovely hotels, that’s not to say lower * hotels wont be as nice, just be careful and research the hotels located in that area at the star rating you selected – tripadvisor is great for this!

Let us know how you get on! Tweet us @unilifeblog

Loophole coming soon!