Five reasons why smart students dress to impress

Samuel Windsor

Uni’s all about exploring your interests, eating bad food and partying until the sun comes up. But you do need to take the work part seriously, and you do need to dress appropriately for it. Here’s why:

1. You’re being judged.

When you attend lectures, always be well turned out in freshly laundered jeans or chinos, and a smart-casual shirt. Whether you like it or not, you’re on show – your lecturer and peers are judging you.

2. Seminars are business meetings.

Get ready for the real world by treating your seminars as business meetings. A suit would be overkill, but dress well because the sooner you make the transition from student to young professional the better.

3. Dressing well gives you confidence.

Look the part, play the part – it’s as simple as that. Next time you give a presentation, dress like a professional and watch your tutor and fellow students take you seriously.

4. Work experience is a job interview.

From an employer’s perspective, work experience is all about finding out who’s a good fit for the firm. If you’re lucky enough to be offered a work placement, invest in a decent suit, do your homework and come prepared to play your A game.

5. You want to interview well.

sponsoredFirst impressions count, so for your interview, make sure you’re suited and booted in the best quality clothing you can afford. And don’t forget your shoes – wear what you like as long as they’re well-polished black Oxfords.

For the lowdown on what to wear, when and how, check out Samuel Windsor’s What to Wear Guide for Students.

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