10 ways to avoid getting absolutely plastered…

We all know someone who doesn’t know their limits…here is some tips to make sure you’re not the one repainting the club toilets

1) Don’t take your card out!

Ever had those nights where you wake up to check your bank balance to see your entire weekly food budget has gone? Only take out a certain amount of cash with you and leave your card at home.

2) Don’t mix your drinks

Yes we know there are so many different awesome alcoholic drinks out there. It’s something we are all guilty of! But if you stick to one drink you’re far more likely to remember the night…

3) Eat before you go

Self explanatory really, line your stomach with food in order to soak up all the alcohol before you head out the door. Greasy food is best (hooray!) because it lines your tummy with protective oil.

4) Pace yourself

Now we all know drinking lots quickly is never going to end particularly well, so why do we do it? Who knows…but if you can slow your intake down you’re more likely to last the night!

5) Dilute drinks with mixer or ice

If your on the hard stuff all night. Lets face it…you’re going to be wasted!

6) Drink lower % drinks or sneakily have a soft one

Same as above really, opt for a lighter alcoholic drink or pretend you have a vodka lemonade, when really it’s just lemonade! Cheeky!

7) Drink milk!

Probably the last thing you want to have before you leave on a nigh out but milk will line your stomach so your tummy isn’t irritated when you start downing alcohol. This will slow the rate at which alcohol enters your body.

8) Alternate your drinks

For every alcoholic drink you have, it’s worth having a soft drink or a glass of water to keep your bloodstream balanced. You may need to go to the toilet a bit more, but going for a wee is far better than painting the walls with sick.

9) Dance

Well at least don’t stand on the side or sit down all evening. Have some fun! You’ll sweat alcohol out as you do as well!

10) Become T-Total

Outrageous we know! But your liver will thank you it and we needed another way to get to 10…