Students often find it difficult to ensure their money goes far enough to cover essentials like rent, food and car insurance. So when something like a driving conviction makes you seem like a riskier prospect to insurance companies, the knock-on effect on your car insurance premiums can truly break the bank.
Driving while under the influence of alcohol is a very serious offence. If you’re found guilty you could be handed penalty points on your licence, a driving ban of at least 12 months, a fine of up to £5,000 and, depending on the severity of the offence, a custodial sentence.
If you’ve been convicted of drink-driving and you’ve reached the end of your driving ban, you may be thinking about getting back behind the wheel. When looking for car insurance, you will find that, generally speaking, insurers dislike drink-driving convictions and some may refuse to insure convicted drink-drivers. For those insurers who do quote a policy, the premiums offered may be higher as insurers will see you as a greater risk, which could make it unaffordable.
Compare prices
The first and probably the best tip for those who are looking for drink-driving insurance is to compare prices online. Some sites like Quotezone offer a comparison tool that allows you to find an affordable drink-driving insurance policy by comparing quotes from insurers that specialise in this.
Change to a different car
The car you drive can have a significant impact on the cost of your insurance. You might find that although you love your car, it’s pushing your premium higher than it needs to be, so trying to find a different car may help to reduce your insurance costs. It might take some trial and error, getting quotes for various cars until you find one that’s more affordable for your situation, both in terms of the cost of the replacement vehicle and the ongoing insurance premium.
Hold off from driving
The only option available to those who want to be able to insure their car following a drink-driving conviction may be to hold off driving for a period of time. A conviction for drink-driving or drug driving – shown on the driving record as DR10, DR20, DR30, DR31, DR61 or DR80 – will be on your record for 11 years, so it’s something that you will have to deal with for some time to come.
If you don’t need your car to get around when you are at university, consider waiting until your conviction is no longer on your record or you’re earning enough to cover the insurance premium.
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