Join the live stream below at 1pm on 31 May to get tips on this summer’s hottest books to suit both your destination and mood
Reading is one of our favourite things to do on holiday, as there’s nothing more relaxing than catching up with a good book whilst topping up the tan on the beach. But as is often the case with modern life, choice is not the problem, it’s deciding how to choose that is.
To celebrate this, Travel Republic is launching the Beach Holiday Book Club, to provide advice on the best books you can read on your beach holiday. Should you read mindless novels to truly help with escapism whilst on the beach? Are you able to immerse yourself deeper in the culture of a country if you twin your holiday reading accordingly? Or do you crave some expert insight into what books we should be looking out for this summer?
Join the live stream with Corinne Sweet, Writer and Psychologist, Explaining why reading on a beach is so popular and why it relaxes us, Paul Thornton from Travel Republic, a travel expert advising on popular holiday destinations, and Isabelle Broom, author and book reviews editor, who will be providing an insight into trends and what new reads to look out for.
Watch the live show, which will start at 1pm on Wednesday 31 May. Feel free to send in a question to the panel in advance!
Top image: Michael Gray/