As a student, you might be looking for ways to help other people, volunteer your time, and of course, increase your bank balance. Clinical trials are a great way to do all of this, and there are plenty of options to choose from when it comes to the type of trial that you can participate in.
Providing that you are fit and healthy and meet all the requirements for the trial, anybody can apply and take part. Some trials will have certain health requirements, while others might ask for non-smokers, ex-smokers or those with other lifestyle habits. If this sounds like something that may interest you, here are some further reasons to consider participating:
You will be paid for your time
Depending on the length and the potential risk of the trial that you are taking part in, you can potentially earn a fair amount of money. Some clinical trials will pay thousands of pounds for just a few days of participation. Sleep trials, for example, might ask you to stay in bed, relax, and play Xbox games for a couple of weeks for a really generous amount of money – the ultimate dream!
London Trials, for example, have many paid UK clinical trials on offer that you can look into, for both healthy candidates and those with certain health conditions.
You’ll be helping others
Clinical trials are necessary to find new vaccines, treatments, and cures for illnesses that might affect thousands of people. For example, there are currently ongoing clinical trials to help scientists find a vaccine against the novel coronavirus, Sars-CoV-2. By participating in a clinical trial that contributes to a successful outcome, you’ll be able to help thousands – maybe even millions – of people.
They are safe and controlled
Many people worry about participating in a clinical trial because they are often testing new drugs and vaccines. However, as long as you sign up with a legitimate company and do your research beforehand, you will be taking part the trial within a safe, controlled environment. Doctors and scientists will be on site to make sure that every precaution is being taken with your health – and there’ll be measures in place for the rare event of something going wrong. For a certain new drug or treatment to be eligible for a clinical trial, it will have had to pass extensive safety checks.
It’s a contribution to medical science
Who doesn’t want better medical care in the future? When you participate in a clinical trial, you can contribute towards just that. Not only do clinical trials help to prove which treatments are the most effective, but they can also remove any bias from healthcare providers by producing hard, scientific facts. That means that in the future, both yourself and other patients can expect to receive a higher and more effective standard of care and treatment thanks to clinical trials.
As a student, participating in a clinical trial is a great way to contribute to the healthcare industry and earn some money while you do it.
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